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About FSC

FSC are a global not-for-profit organization that sets the standards for what a responsibly managed forest is, both environmentally and socially.

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We are an independent, not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation that works to promote the environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests.

FSC develops best practice standards for responsible forest management according to our 10 principles and criteria.

FSC certified forests have to meet our rigorous standards. This means FSC certified forests are healthy, and benefit local communities as well as providing jobs for workers.

FSC certification tracks the wood from the forest to the shelf. So when you see the FSC label on a product, you can be sure that the paper or timber came from responsible sources.

FSC helps forests remain thriving environments for generations to come, by helping you make ethical and responsible choices at your local supermarket, bookstore, furniture retailer, and beyond.

We don’t set these standards alone.

We consult with our global network of environmental, social, and economic members to ensure that forest standards represent everyone’s needs, from Indigenous Peoples to endangered animal species.

FSC members include some of Australia and the world’s leading environment groups (WWF, the Wilderness Society, and Greenpeace), social organisations (the AMWU and Timber Communities Australia), businesses (TetraPak, Woolworths, Officeworks, and Kimberly Clark) as well as forest owners and managers, processing companies, academics, campaigners, and individuals like you.